Unity and Inclusion


Supplier Management and Diversity

Our Supplier management and diversity plan has a single focus in mind – to identify and nurture principles of diversity and inclusion and ensure that long term value is created by giving equal access to the operational needs and procurement of our business to small and medium sustainable businesses and women-owned, minority-owned andveteran-owned businesses, amongst others.

By offering a level playing field, we promote a culture of growth and reinforce positivity all along.

Our commitment to this area includes

  • Continuous analysis of our diverse supplier base to identify suitable opportunities for inclusion.
  • Continuously promote multi-culturalism and develop a dynamic, rich and diverse supply chain that base with a reputation for delivering excellence
  • Valuing contribution, promoting integration and sharing of expertise and insight in key areas for mutual benefit.

Strategy and Supplier Inclusion

The strategy and supplier inclusion programs are designed and defined by us to help individuals and companies make the most of all opportunities, overcome blockers and demonstrate thought leadership.

Based on company objectives, location and spread, we deliver strategies for sensible growth and means and methods to benchmark businesses and add value. This includes staff training, management discussions, benchmarking, linking with advocacy groups, core consulting and periodic refresher training.

With such on-demand expertise you are in the driver seat of performance and all employees are aligned with the need, necessity and value of such an exercise. With the inclusion of minority-owned, women-owned, LGBTE-owned, veteran-owned business enterprises etc, there is greater economic growth and unlocking of hidden value, thereby sustaining and building upon the base blocks of diversity and inclusion.

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